Collection: Nature's Original Jewel

 Pearls are the world's only organic gems, which mean special attention is required to ensure that pearls will stay beautiful and will last a lifetime. 

The best advice we can give you is to wear your pearls as often as possible -the body's natural oils give the pearls lustre. 

Beware of perfumes, makeup, hairspray, household cleaners such as dish washing or hand soaps their chemical properties can damage your pearl.
Put on your perfume or hairspray first, let it set for a few minutes, then put on your pearls. 

After wearing pearls, wipe them with a soft cloth to remove any traces of cosmetic products or body sweat. To shine pearls, you can put a few drops of olive oil, coconut oil or monoi oil on the pearls, and then wipe them with a soft cloth to remove the excess oil. 

Pearls should be stored separately from other jewelry. If possible, store them wrapped in a soft cloth or in a soft-lined container, pouch, or jewelry box, but not in an airtight container because the pearls need to "breathe". 

It is strongly recommended not to get your pearls wet by either showering or  ocean & pool  swimming Jacuzzi hot tubs. 
We recommend that you remove your pearl ring when washing your hands or doing the dishes as it can affect your pearl and the glue that binds your pearl to the ring; therefore, your pearl can come off its ring post.